The next shots clearly identifies where the movie is set, it shows a Beverly Hills sign, this could be considered conventional for a chick flick. The credits continue across the screen.
The third shot is similar to the first shot in the sequence, showing a blue sky and surrounding palm trees.
Shot 4 gives the viewer an insight as to what life is like in the area the film is set, showing a women sunbathing and being waited on by a butler. This gives us an idea that money will be a theme in this movie.
In the next shot, the lifestyle of the people in Beverly Hills continues to be displayed, showing a grand house. At first, this could be perceived to be the house where the action is set, however we shortly see that this isn't the case.
The following shot shows the back of the house, where there is a tennis court, this further explores the lifestyle in which the film will focus around.
The seventh shots displays a second house, surrounded by palm trees and fitting for the area.
Once again, in shot 8, a third house is shown, this is so that the viewer gets a clear enough insight on exactly what life in Beverly Hills is like.
In the final shot, one last house is shown, although just as grand as the others, it is more picturesque, making the viewer take more notice to it. Hinting that this is where the initial action will take place.
Wow - certainly gives the viewer a good idea of the location and type of community in which the film is set! What ideas does this give you for your own product?